GICOM Composting Systems is a leading specialist in the development of computer-controlled climate systems for mushroom cultivation, waste processing systems, manure treatment systems and air purification systems. GICOM creates innovative tailored systems to meet every processing need.
Originally a mushroom farm in Biddinghuizen, the company began to develop the first innovative computer-controlled climate systems for mushroom cultivation back in 1984. From creating climate control solutions for mushroom cultivation and the production of mushroom substrate, the company’s activities quickly expanded to include the development of complete climate control solutions for facilities such as composting systems. GICOM now develops and builds ventilation, cooling, heating and humidification systems, measuring equipment and computer control systems on its own premises in Biddinghuizen.
GICOM has been coming up with innovative ideas for decades and is recognised as a reliable partner in the area of composting technology. GICOM offers advice and helps clients to achieve their objectives in building (partially) new composting systems and treating organic waste flows, such as kitchen and garden waste, manure and sewage sludge. In each project GICOM provides professional design and planning services incorporating construction and management teams during the construction on site.
GICOM adapted the tunnel technology used in the mushroom farming industry to compost kitchen and garden waste before separate waste collection was introduced. This turned out to be a leading innovation in the global waste processing sector. Over the years GICOM tunnel technology has more than proved its worth. GICOM systems designed and built in the early 1990s are still in use to this day. GICOM tunnel systems are now used to treat all kinds of organic waste flows.